Since I last mentioned Fanscene, David Hathaway-Price has produced not one, but two(!) more issues celebrating over 50 years of Comics Fandom. What was originally going to be issue 3 expanded in size so much that it split into two, more manageable editions.
Issue 3 celebrates Vampirella’s 50th birthday which is a great excuse for everybody (myself included) to draw their favourite scantily clad vampire, as well as the British APA scene, which I’m embarrassed to say, I was mostly unaware of. This issue clocks in at a mere 160 pages but contains plenty of quality material by Nick Neocleous (including a great cover) and much more from Floyd Hughes and Steve Hooker.
David pushed issue 4 out quickly after the last one - it was more like FanScene 3 part 2, with an almost measly 88 pages, 3 of which were devoted to my Stan Lee piece.
All issues are available for free download here: Classic UK Comix Zines
My Vampirella illustration from #3
My Stan Lee illustration from #4
Fanscene #4